NTLK NewtonMad

From: George Henne (gh@nsbasic.com)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 13:08:22 EST

There is an archive called NewtonMAD on the net. It seems to contain
copies of most of the Newton software ever produced, included commercial

Many of the producers of the commercial software are still in business
and supporting their Newton products. They're not doing it because it's a
good business to be in: honestly, there isn't very much. They do it
because they like the platform and want to continue to support it.

Piracy hurts us all. If the commercial developers desert the platform, an
important support for the community will be gone, and the little
lightbulb we love will disappear more quickly.

Please help by getting the various copies of NewtonMAD cleaned up of
pirated software. It could be a valuable resource to all.

George Henne NS BASIC Corporation
http://www.nsbasic.com Orders: 416 264-5999 Fax: 416 264-5888

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