Re: NTLK Pen Alignment Problems

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 09:52:11 EST

Robert Benschop wrote:

> on 15-02-2000 3:38, Brian Pearce at wrote:
> > Does it really need to be broken...or can it just be scratched? Is it possible
> > to put in for this repair without any obvious sign of damage, or is the screen
> > unlikely to be replaced otherwise?
> Once you send it in it doesn't really matter anymore, but my guess is that
> if you scratch badly enough it will work as well, anybody on the list that
> actually went through this ?

You need to make sure you mention the problem on the form that will come with the
box they send you. Actually, you should write on the form anything that you think is
wrong. Since it's a flat fee, the more you get, the better for you.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
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