Re: NTLK CUDA Switch

From: Leland Jory (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 11:08:01 EST

> >
> >> What is the CUDA switch, anyway? Is CUDA an acronym? For what?
> >
> >The Cuda switch is basically a hard reset for a Mac. I think it resets
> >PRAM completely, more thoroughly than <cmd>+<option>+P+R at startup.
> >
> >HTH,
> >
> >Leland Jory
> Gee, I've been using Macs for 15 years and I've never heard of a CUDA
> switch. The older Macs had two switches, a programmers switch to go to
> the ROM monitor where you could try to fix a crash if you knew the
> correct incantations, and a hard reset switch. Neither of these would
> zap the PRAM, which was done by doing the cmd, option, P, R four finger
> salute and holding for 5 bells.

The Cuda switch is mounted on the logic board (not accessible from outside
the case). I'm not 100% sure exactly what it does (besides reset
everything), but it has to be used when performing some hardware upgrades
(like processor upgrades for instance).

Hope that clears things up.

Leland Jory
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