NTLK Re: more d*#m attachments

From: Robert Gray (robert_gray@carleton.ca)
Date: Wed Feb 09 2000 - 07:02:56 EST

Adrian Carter wrote:

>Attachment converted: lothlorien:untitled.nwt 1 (ñewt/roµt)
>(0000AB41) Attachment converted: lothlorien:untitled.nwt 2
>(ñewt/roµt) (0000AB41)
>Attachment converted: lothlorien:untitled.nwt 3 (ñewt/roµt) (0000AB41)

kuy wrote:

>Attachment converted: lothlorien:J.A.G.Kuijntjes.vcf (TEXT/ttxt) (0000AB42)

????? Is it possible to agree to stop sending attachments to the
list? This lot is just overnight on THIS list!

I, and I suspect most others on this list, am/are here to share info.
I am not here to collect contact info. They upset the digests, cost
downloadtime, cost cleanup time. I am surprised Newton users aren't
more conscious of the space..

TTFN, eh!
Robert Gray      mailto:robert_gray@carleton.ca
"not all those who wander are lost" JRR Tolkien
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