Re: NTLK Newscape and apple modem...

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 02:28:56 EST

On 2/7/2000 12:30 AM, []

>Hiya Newtoneers,
>It seems like my 2400 baud apple modem is too slow for surfing. Can anyone
>suggest a compatible PCMCIA modem I can use for surfing. I would prefer
>suggestions from people that have first hand experience with their suggested
>modem card.

I used to use a Hayes Optima 336 V.34 Data/Fax modem in my 2000 and 2100
before I got ADSL at home. Hayes is out of business now, though.

It was sold as a Windows modem, but it worked fine, using the default
settings on my Newton.
I know I also faxed FROM it and I think I faxed TO is successfully too.

See the FAQ for more modem compatibility info links (link to FAQ below).

 - Bill

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