Re: NTLK Newscape and apple modem...

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sun Feb 06 2000 - 23:50:35 EST

On 2/6/2000 8:59 AM, []

>Hello Newtoneers!
>I have a question regarding Newscape and my Apple modem which I am using on
>my Newton 130 (OS 2.0).
>My newton apple modem works, I have been able to send faxes and receive
>from my AOL account. However, I can't browse the web with Newtscape! I my
>Newton's internet connection to dial up my isp (currently my university's
>dial up and the other is Once the connection takes place My
>newstcape just sits there, it seems like its waiting for some web page, but
>it essence it doesn't look like anything is going on!
>Is anyone succesfully browsing web sites (even simple, made-for-PDA

Is that the 2400 baud Apple modem? Not a good speed for trying to browse
the web. I've used it at 28,800 ok, but that's WAAAAAY slower. I'd get
a faster modem.


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