NTLK Newton Messaging Card / Doc's, OS 2.0 Drivers, PC and Newton Software ?

From: DrNewton (DrNewton@kc.net)
Date: Sun Feb 06 2000 - 13:26:26 EST

Hello Fellow NewtonTalkers,

I have the "Newton Messaging Card" that was made by Motorola (1993).

I visited Michael Jones excellent web site ( has lots of great pix and info
on the card and other Newton accessories ).


I have the card but NO documentation / software whatsoever !

I found this info at Pen Computings web site.....

Messaging Card: Beeper on steroids
You can buy Apple's new Messaging Card, today. It's a PCMCIA (People Can't
Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms) card with a little head housing the AA
battery and the antenna. The Messaging Card can receive messages either by
itself or while it's in the Newton. When you slip it in, all your
alphanumeric pages appear in your inbox, totally integrated into your Newton
data world. Currently, pages can be up to 256 characters long, with mixed
upper and lower case supported. Your people can page you conventionally by
dialing an 800 number and entering a call-me number message from a phone
keypad, and there's a voicemail option if they want to leave a recorded
message. They can also dial an 800 number to give a text message to an
operator, or modem it directly to the transmitter by using the $30 MMS
(MobileComm Messaging Software) communication utility on either a Mac or a
PC. I have reason to believe there is a Newton version of MMS in the works,
too. I'll write about it here when I know more.

Michael had the software ( 2 Extensions ) on a PC but the system crashed and
the hard drive was reformatted.

Questions :

1. Can the card be used with OS 2.0 / 2.1 ?
2. If so, what software is required ?
3. My card says "MobileComm / A BellSouth Company" on the battery door. Do
all cards say that ?
4. Would anyone out there happen to have the "MobileComm Messaging Software"
they refer to for the PC ?
5. Does anyone know if a Newton version was ever created ?

I would really appreciate it if someone could mail me the software ( 2
Newton packages ? ) and any documentation they have on this card.

Best Regards,
David Watson

a.k.a. "Dr.Newton", "Digital Ocean Dave"
Provider of the MP2000 Upgrade

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