Re: NTLK Newton update

From: Sam Powell (
Date: Sat Feb 05 2000 - 15:55:00 EST

>Hi Sam.
>>I downloaded the Newton update from the FTP site given, it was
>>a 36K compressed archive, un-stuffed it and was left with a
>>file named newton update, or something similar. What exactly
>>do I do with this? (PS Im using Windows)
>As stated on the website, it's a Macintosh Application, that Patches the
xxx260 System Update.
>I have done the Patch, but not yet tested it on my Newton (I simply forgot
it at home this morning...)
>It's here:
>The PKG file should be usefull with your Windows NCU.

Excelent, thanks. Sorry for re-posting my question everyone, I
accidently overlooked this post. (wish there was an app that would
thread mailing list discussions....)

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