Re: NTLK Goodbye Beautiful World

From: Loren Finkelstein (Loren@Finkelstein.Net)
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 08:26:51 EST

Just out of curiosity, what did you get that had a bigger screen?

I have no plans to give up my Newton, but I know that some day it will die
of old age, and so will my spare. Unless someone starts making them again,
eventually, I'll have to switch. One thing I like is the large screen size
so I don't imagine going to something smaller like the Palm 27 (or whatever
version they are at then).

So, how about a little explanation of what you are getting, and a comparison
with your Newton?


>From: Peter <>
>Subject: NTLK Goodbye Beautiful World
>Date: Fri, Feb 4, 2000, 12:39 AM

> Well, I'm leaving you all. I think the Newton community is one of the very
> best and most supportive of its kind. I have to sell my beloved 2000, for
> I needed a bigger screen--and found one.
> I am selling my perfectly working Newton 2000 with a 4meg Pretec memory card:
> We all are devoted to our gadgets, they allow us to show that we are
> different from the norm. We do not carry around a big sign that says
> "Microsoft", nor or all of our names "Bob." This is a "different" way of
> doing, a different way of getting things done, the handheld way.
> Thank you all.
> -Peter O'Keefe
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