Re: NTLK Newton Questions

From: J. van de Griek (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 03:05:21 EST

Victor Rehorst wrote:

NIE 2.0 packages can be seperated into roughly two groups: core packages
and drivers.

In core packages, we have the main NIE package itself (Internet Enabler)
and Internet Setup.

In drivers, there is the Modem Support package, the Newton Devices
package, and the NIE Ethernet package. The latter two are only needed for
ethernet cards, and the modem package is (obviously) only needed for

There is also a LocakTalk support package, but I have no idea what this
does (I would assume enables LocalTalk support using the Newt's serial

The LocalTalk package provides support for MacIP connections; that's TCP/IP
tunneled through AppleTalk. This you might use if you have a Mac on an
Ethernet network and no Ethernet card for the Newton. You can then install
some routing software on the Mac and access a TCP/IP network on a LocalTalk
network that the Mac is connected to.


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