[NTLK] Developer news...

Jake Bordens jake at allaboutjake.com
Mon Mar 9 19:50:36 EDT 2020

Awesome.  My Inspector replacement was limited to 32-bit but if Newt64 is viable it should be an easy replacement. (https://github.com/jake-b/NewtonInspector)

I looked at Nova to see about adding syntax highlighting for NewtonScript, but the XML based syntax file scared me away. (  I've also been wondering if we could add a toolchain to XCode, but that seems complicated as well.  How awesome would it be if we could compile a PKG from Xcode?

On 3/9/20, 7:01 PM, "newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net on behalf of Steven Frank via NewtonTalk" <newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net on behalf of newtontalk at newtontalk.net> wrote:

    > On Mar 9, 2020, at 11:01 AM, Steven Frank via NewtonTalk <newtontalk at newtontalk.net> wrote:
    > I successfully built the newt binary and it runs, although it maybe needs math lessons:
    Never mind, newt64 can do math just fine.  :)
    I built a little NewtonScript REPL for the Mac using libnewt, just to see if it was hard to embed into a Mac app (not really).
    Here's a GIF of it in action:
    https://stevenf.com/gfx/nsrepl.gif <https://stevenf.com/gfx/nsrepl.gif>
    Source code and build instructions for this are here:
    It's not perfect, but it proves it basically works.

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