[NTLK] MacOS Alpha version of Einstein 2020.4.3

Cédric SARTOUT cedric at sartoo.fr
Sat Jun 20 16:20:31 EDT 2020

With Paul and Mattias Newton has a bright future ahead of him.  Thank you Mathias I will have to test that.

[FR] Avec Paul et Mattias Newton a de beaux jour devant lui. Merci Mathias il va falloir que je test ça.


Envoyé de mon iPhone

> Le 20 juin 2020 à 20:03, Pawel Piotrowski <newton at indigi.co.uk> a écrit :
> You are genius, Matthias!!! Awesome job! I’m so impressed! 
> Now I can make Polish version of Avi’s Backdrop! xD
> Cheers,
> Pawel
>> On 20 Jun 2020, at 00:37, Matthias Melcher <m.melcher at robowerk.de> wrote:
>> Before you all get bored during the weekend: I uploaded a new version of Einstein to messagepad.org. It's Alpha and MacOS only for now, so expect crashes and unexpected behavior. It has two little improvements: you can simply drag .pkg files from a website to install them (just drag the link (must end in .pkg) from your browser onto the Einstein window). Also, if you select text in Einstein and drag it to the edge of the Newton screen, the text will be available to paste into any other application on your desktop (MP2100US ROM only ATM).
>> But the fun starts here: Einstein now comes with a small developer environment built-in. Just select [Window - Toolkit], and off you go, writing new NewtonScript apps. No Basilisk or NTK required.
>> And yes, it includes the first rough version of the Decompiler. Just load an existing .pkg file, and the Einstein Toolkit will generate a NewtonScript file for you. If everything went as expected, simply press Apple-R, and Toolkit should recompile your code into a package and run it on Einstein.
>> http://www.messagepad.org/Newton_Installs.html#macOS
>> http://www.messagepad.org/Newton_Script_ETK.html
>> Have fun, and let me know how it goes!
>> - Matthias
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