[NTLK] Newton Selfie

Martin Ossio martinossio at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 18 23:47:32 EDT 2019

Hi Noah!

Just always remember:

Your movie is wonderful!
It is Beautiful and inspiring.
And for a Good cause!!
What more could you ask for? You have nothing to worry!!

You are going to make a lot of people happy.
Probably re-ignite a comeback!
(and making a new Movie about it in a non-distant future!)

The Newton Community is one of heroes!! 
Everybody by lasting that long is one!!

And lots of Super Heroes:  Individual people that have accomplished so many things for the community alone!!
(in a world where now a days everything is collectively mostly)

It is a most interesting subject!!

You would be surrounded by friends!!!
Everybody loves Newton!!

It will be Great!!

Thanks for making it,


> On Apr 18, 2019, at 10:23 PM, Noah Leon <moosefuel at gmail.com> wrote:
> Mark thank you so much for sending this. I really appreciate the thought, especially as I am all nerves about showing the film to an audience of 250 people tomorrow, including some of the original Newton team and people who could definitely school me. 
> Thanks for the encouragement. Do you mind if I post this on our social media?
> noah
>> On Apr 18, 2019, at 6:58 PM, Mark Kuberski <berskyboy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Noah,
>> I’m in Canada, so I will send my pictures here early, so you can compile it early for the screening.  Pick your favourite.  LOL.  
>> I love the idea of this.  I loved the movie too.  I’ve watched it at least 3 times.
>> thanks,
>> Mark
>> <IMG_3618.jpeg><IMG_3620.jpeg><IMG_3625.jpeg><IMG_3624.jpeg>
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