[NTLK] Remove the sticky skin of a 2000

Dennis Swaney romad at nvwisp.com
Sat Sep 22 18:05:24 EDT 2018

I prefer to refer to it as the "Answer before Question" or "Cart before
Horse" method. Hmm, the latter sure describes a lot of Microsoft ideas,
"features" and "standards"!

Dennis B. Swaney

"I think, therefore I Mac"

On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 2:42 PM, Forrest <newton_phoenix at mindspring.com>

> Sorry I did not “clean up” the junk below my response. I will do that in
> the future. (In fact, now.)
> And, apparently Mail on the iPhone also uses the Microsoft method, as my
> response is above the quoted text.
See, I used a mohel!  ;-)

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