[NTLK] Remind me to try compiling Einstein on my RPi

Jeff Sheldon jeffsheldon at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 13:25:28 EST 2016

It's been a while since I looked through the source and so decided to brush
up stepping through targets.

Mac OS: Builds and runs fine albeit a variety of warnings.

Linux (Ubuntu): After some tweaking, this eventually fails when it's
looking for sockio.h, a header file which doesn't appear to be standard.
I've found I had to add in various includes along the way, too, to satisfy

There's also a Raspberry Pi target included, though I haven't tried it for
fear of my SD card.  One can cross compile this sort of thing, however.

I'd like to be able to build a clean Linux binary within 64-bit Ubuntu
before going any further, fork Paul's Einstein repo, then update the build
instructions as they're a bit outdated.

Pis are so cheap and parts easily affordable that it makes sense to push
the Einstein envelope forward and not look back.  I used to love the
original MP hardware--enough that I attempted to document the PCB layers
and bought a microscope to evaluate the chip innards--but it has no place
in a progressive MessagePad ecosystem.  With the ball-and-chain Voyager
chipset managed in Einstein code, the sky's the limit.

I have a Pi3 and Zero that I'll check the code out on in the coming weeks.
Einstein's Pi target is likely expecting a 32-bit Pi2 and early Raspian
which might complication.


On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 11:16 AM, John Gamble <johnny_gamble at hotmail.com>

> I don't wanna get people's hopes up (I'm no elite coder) but I have a few
> RPis and a capacitive touch screen for them floating around from another
> project. I can picture a day when it's simply gonna be too hard to keep
> fixing my Newtons... be great to be able to recommission some old shells
> using RPis.
> Isn't the author on these lists? Maybe s/he is in a position to comment on
> the Linux port? I remember people talking about the Android port a little
> while back.
> If nobody has tried to compile Einstein by Wednesday next week, I'll have
> a go to at least confirm whether/not this will work out of the box. I have
> a short overlap where I'm not back at work but my kids are in childcare.
> Definitely can't do any coding, but I can try to compile it out of the box,
> and jiggle around if need be.
> From their website:
> >>> Einstein officially runs on OS X with partial support for iOS,
> Android, Linux and Windows. Currently, it requires a ROM image dumped from
> an actual Newton (not included in this repository).
> Partial Linux support (and Android support - suggesting ARM compatibility)
> sounds promising. However, there's a current pull request for Linux saying
> something along the lines of 'it compiles but...'
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