[NTLK] ROM Disassembly online?

Steven Frank stevenf at panic.com
Fri May 29 01:27:03 EDT 2015

Following up to my previous message:

I forked Matthias' dynee5 repository and built this simple Cocoa app on top of Albert:

http://stevenf.com/gfx/rom-explorer.png <http://stevenf.com/gfx/rom-explorer.png>

It's simply taking Albert's analysis of the ROM and displaying it in a table rather than dumping it out to the terminal as asm code. 

Right now, that table is read-only, but we could tweak it to have editable flags and comments, and export the updated symbol data...?

Code is here:

https://github.com/panicsteve/dynee5/tree/master/ROM%20Explorer <https://github.com/panicsteve/dynee5/tree/master/ROM%20Explorer>

It's not complete.  What would be the most helpful thing to add?  For example, should it Open and Save symbols.txt files in the existing format?


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