[NTLK] Help! - A Problem with my Newton MessagePad 2100

Jacob Wallace jacob.rn.wallace at icloud.com
Wed Apr 29 09:53:15 EDT 2015

Dear NewtonTalk mailing list,

	I have a problem. I have a Newton 2000, with a 2100 official upgrade from Apple (sticker and all). For about as long as I can remember, it has worked perfectly, with little if any problems whatsoever. I would use it on and off and it worked about as well as the day it left the factory.
	About a year and a half ago, I simply lost interest in the Newton. This is where my mistake lies: instead of storing it away in its carrying case responsibly, I stored it on a shelf, connected to its charger; and there it sat for months on end. Sometimes I would power it up and it would work, but with an odd little quirk. Every so often, it would either refuse to power up, or go into an infinite loop where it would play its boot chime and show the boot-up screen, and then abruptly shut off as if it had suddenly lost power. Hardware reseting it would fix this issue. I would then get bored with it and set it back in its usual position. 
	Recently (and by recently I mean about 3 or 4 months ago) I powered it up and it did its usual spiel, but this time nothing worked. I did every single kind of reset that you can possibly do with the Newton. I reached out to /r/vintageapple (post: https://www.reddit.com/r/VintageApple/comments/2sva93/problem_with_newton_messagepad_2000/ <https://www.reddit.com/r/VintageApple/comments/2sva93/problem_with_newton_messagepad_2000/>) and I took their helpful advice, even going as far as reseating the ROM like one person recommended, but its still doing the same thing. 
	At the moment things look bleak for the 2100. Does anyone know what this could possibly be? Is it a lost cause? If not, how could it be fixed? I am accepting any ideas, no matter how obscure or convoluted.

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