[NTLK] Assuming this is acceptable, ROM image for Einstein...

Jon Glass jonglass at usa.net
Tue Jun 24 01:32:43 EDT 2014

On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Jeff Sheldon <jeffsheldon at gmail.com>

> It's a terrible idea all around.  Provisions have been available for
> over a decade to extract a ROM image and that puts the onus rightfully
> on the owner.  The desire to aid newbs is touching, but the process
> isn't difficult.

I have the ROM file I extracted from my Newton (after going through hoops
to boot an older computer, etc...) and it doesn't work. It's sitting in my
Einstein folder with one that someone gave me. They seem identical (maybe
some bytes off), but the one I created doesn't work... And yes, I tried
multiple times. I don't know why mine won't work, and I'm glad someone was
willing to give me one. And let's see, I have a 2100, a 2000, a few 120s
and a Sharp MessagePad, and maybe a non-working 130, but I don't remember
now. Of course, I only tried the 2100, because it made no sense to me to go
downwards in capability, but maybe I'm wrong... And now, my older
Serial-based Macs are all gone.

 -Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>

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