[NTLK] Newton Server

Grant Hutchinson grant at splorp.com
Mon Dec 29 13:10:36 EST 2014

Hi Greg.

> 1) What is the code to say "See what is on my Newton" and where it accesses the GIF SERVER app?

Add a link to "/screen/" ... for example:


Or if you'd like to embed the screenshot into a page, use the following <img> syntax:

<img src="/screen/" height="480" width="320">

> 2) How to set this up so people beyond my network can see the page? (And get registered on the NPDS tracker page?)

You need an externally accessible IP address or hostname. Or, you need to route your internal address through a network address translation (NAT) in your router so external networks can access your internal server. Once your NPDS server is accessible outside your network, you'll be able to ping one of the NPDS trackers.

By the way, these questions might be answered better by posting directly to the dedicated NPDS mailing list.




Grant Hutchinson

Interface Considerations. Feature Deprecation. Typography. Rawk.


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