[NTLK] MP2100 error message -- internal memory full??

Smith Woody woodysmith at me.com
Sat May 12 01:21:59 EDT 2012


I hope that the reason you are hanging around a  hospital is not  

In the situation you are in I would likewise be very cautious about  
making changes.

This prompts me to open a  discussion of what might be best practices   
as recalled by a long time reader of this list, and one who has lost  
I hope others will chime in as my non-expertise is revealed.

1. Heap is your system memory and is where tasks get done.  Both  
Dashboard and Avi's backdrop report available heap.  I freeze Packages  
and Extensions that I'm not using to keep this as high as possible  
especially if I'm saving a Newton book as an HTML Works file or using  
NewtsCape to create a Newton book.  All installed packages including  
extensions are using heap unless frozen.

2. Keep some percentage of memory stores empty, I attempt to not  
exceed 75% of capacity of my internal and primary card.  I use a  
secondary card for large tasks that may cause a freeze up or system  
reset due to not enough heap.

3. I keep all Names, Dates, and Notes stores on my internal store  
along with what I consider core Packages and extensions.  I use my  
Primary store for all other data, packages and extensions that I  
regularly use including a full backup.  If your resources allow keep a  
spare card of the same size to restore to should this card fail,   
cards fail!  As mentioned I use a secondary/sacrificial card for risky  
operations that may result in corruption, and require reformatting.

These comments are more for newer users than for you at this moment.   
In your current situation it may be best to do nothing till you can  
backup your internal store.

Best of luck with your newton and what ever is keeping your around the  


On May 11, 2012, at 11:46 AM, Lord Groundhog wrote:

> BIG thanks to everyone who's written to me about this here or  
> directly.  It
> feels better even if Newt is still sulking at me.  :-)
> I should've given more helpful information about my Newt in my first  
> e-mail
> but I'm spending a lot of time hanging around a hospital -- no  
> phone, no
> computers, no outside world please -- and I produced that first  
> message in
> haste.  Unfortunately obligations here aren't even giving me time to  
> make
> soothing, cooing noises at Newt in the hope of wooing her back into  
> more
> co-operative mood.
> In response to suggestions and questions so far, let me explain and  
> clarify
> some things I should have included before.  I also have more  
> questions!
> Sorry, this'll be long, but I've tried to space it to be easy on the  
> eyes.
> The fundamental data, the numbers:
> Memory Info reports
> Internal    used: 3374K    free:   149K
> Card        used: 4438K    free: 15105K
> Incidentally, I tried the soft reset (button at the back for 4  
> seconds) as
> soon as it happened.  No change.
> 1. Forrest, I currently make no connection to the outside world  
> except via
> Keyspan to my computer.  That decision has been my way of preserving  
> at
> least one thinking/working space free of distractions.
> So, MailV is not a problem as I have nothing interwebbish installed  
> on Newt.
> No browsers or other mail programs either.
> 2. Unfortunately when I packed, I packed Keyspan, then unpacked it,  
> then
> forgot to repack it.  So, no linking with my computer until I get home
> again.  That's OK except that it means no backing up of anything  
> except to
> the card.
> As it happens I keep some stuff on the card already since I like the  
> idea of
> being able to hand a curious person my Newt (after slipping the card  
> out)
> and letting them try out the HWR.  That way I know that they aren't  
> holding
> the confidential stuff.
> But some stuff lives internally because I've been neglecting to  
> clarify
> something.   I have a specific question about this at the end.
> 3. Tony, you mentioned "rebooting".  Which reset do you mean, the
> "extensions off" reset that Woody mentions, or the "power drain"  
> reset?  I
> can't do anything that risks data loss as I have data on there I  
> mustn't
> lose.
> Also, your suggestion to move soups to the Card touches the question  
> I ask
> further down, about storage in two places.  So I'll leave it there.
> 4. Woody, when you ask "is it a heap issue?" you put your finger on
> something else I've neglected.  I don't know the answer to your  
> question
> because my Note To Self to read more about how Newton does stuff  
> with memory
> is stuck in my Pending tray.  I wouldn't even know how to answer  
> you.   I
> suppose the reset you suggested will temporarily empty the heap?   
> But then
> when I restart Newt without turning off extensions, it'll return to  
> the way
> it is now and not having room to work, right?  Or is that part of  
> what I
> don't yet understand?
> 5. Simon, I was fascinated to read your comments about the OS store  
> system
> and VBOs.  Reminds me of the problems a certain OS exhibited in some  
> of its
> incarnations back in the now-distant past.
> Regarding your observation about how I work, you're right that I  
> tend to do
> things pretty much as I've done since I got my first Newton.  The only
> change was about 4 years ago now when I discovered Silverware's  
> amazing
> software.
> Oh yes, one other thing about work methods:  over I've been using the
> facility to store anniversaries and recurring events in Dates.  I've
> wondered if that was a problem.
> Dates currently reports 377K used in Internal and 269K used in Card --
> hardly earth-shaking.  In fact, that's the only soup to report over  
> 100K
> Internal, and one of only 3 to report over 25K.  Hence my bafflement  
> at
> what's taking up all the internal memory.
> This is the question I've meant to ask for years.  I see identically  
> named
> storage for Dates, Names, etc., in Internal and Card memory.  If I  
> move the
> one in Internal memory onto the card, will it overwrite (i.e.,  
> delete) the
> one already on the Card, or will it combine the records of the two  
> into one
> new storage?  I should've gotten to grips with this a long time  
> ago.  I
> hesitate to move the Internal soups onto the Card lest I lose vital  
> data.
> And if you have been, thanks for reading.  :-)
> Shalom,
> Christian

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