[NTLK] Fwd: Datarover battery size (Newtontalk discussion)

Marisa Giancarla fstltna at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 5 20:51:24 EST 2012

Here's what a kind reader forwarded to me:

Begin forwarded message:

> From: fugu45 at aol.com
> Date: March 5, 2012 5:36:43 PM PST
> To: fstltna at yahoo.com
> Subject: Datarover battery size (Newtontalk discussion)
> I'm not registered over at Newtontalk and just saw the battery discussion - I'm sure you can forward the info:
> The Datarover takes the same Sony NP-F530 - F570 batteries (or whatever number they're up to now) as the original PIC 1000 / PIC 2000. I just tested it...
> I held a General Magic GMB001 and a Sony NP-F530 side by side - they're exactly the same size
> the battery pack basically contains 2 high quality Sony 18650 cells and some charging electronics (I opened a dead one once). One of the better design decisions IMHO. Lasts forever, available everywhere.
> cheers

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