[NTLK] Fwd: Online briefing tomorrow re SOPA

Laurence W Brown lwb at mac.com
Mon Jan 16 20:52:21 EST 2012

> Subject: Online briefing
> Reply-To: "Jason Rosenbaum, BoldProgressives.org" <info at boldprogressives.org>

> Congress will soon vote on the bill that would end the Internet as we know it -- allowing censorship similar to China. 117,000 of us petitioned Congress against this bill. (You can sign the petition here.)
> Tomorrow in Congress, we're organizing a special briefing on this bill featuring top tech innovators -- like Craig from Craigslist and reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian.
> Watch the briefing online Tuesday at 12:30pm Eastern -- click here to RSVP "yes" or "maybe."
> You'll have a chance to ask the tech innovators -- and experts on the right and left -- questions about this bill and learn more about what you can do to defeat it.
> Congressional staffers will hear your questions -- and a big crowd online will show them just how much the public is engaged on this issue.
> Want to watch our special Internet freedom briefing tomorrow -- January 17 -- at 12:30pm Eastern? Click here to RSVP "yes" or "maybe."
> (Or sign the petition against this bill here.)

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