[NTLK] FYI ONLY: Fwd: FS: Newton Message Pad 130 and 9W Power Adapter for MP 2000/2100

Laurence W Brown lwb at mac.com
Thu Feb 2 12:10:44 EST 2012

Just forwarding this email I saw, in case anyone's interested...

Sent from my 2Pad…

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Mike Lincoln <michaellincoln at hotmail.com>
> Date: February 2, 2012 8:42:37 PST
> To: lemswap at googlegroups.com
> Subject: FS:  Newton Message Pad 130 and 9W Power Adapter for MP 2000/2100
> Reply-To: michaellincoln at hotmail.com
> Dear swappers,
> I am selling out my remaining Newton MessagePad & paraphernalia:
> 1.  A working MessagePad 130, Model H0196, excellent condition w/ zippered Apple leather case:  $30 shipped
> 2.  Newton 9W Power Adapter Model H1065 (ADP-9AB) for the MP 2000/2100 $15 shipped
> 3.  Battery insert for MP 2000/2100, allows use of 4 alkaline AA batteries $15 shipped
> 4.  ADB port to Newton port dongle/adapter that I'll throw in for free with any of the above if someone needs it.  
> I'll give a significant discount for someone buying the whole Newton-related lot, suggest $50 OBO; shipping CONUS only.   Reply only to mlincoln1 AT gmail DOT com; I will not be checking this hotmail address for responses.  
> Best regards,
> Mike Lincoln
> Salt Lake City, UT 84103
> -- 
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