[NTLK] USB-001 and Snow Leopard

Lloyd Conway doc_retro at juno.com
Fri Sep 23 18:25:52 EDT 2011

Hello, Nic:
   I never got mine to work.  After several months of working with KN on this, I decided to just let it go, as I could not get it to work with my MacBook running 10.6.  My Keyspan menu was different than yours, but the result was the same.
   Best of luck with it.
-Lloyd Conway
 Charlotte, Michigan
On Sep 23, 2011, at 12:00 PM, newtontalk-request at newtontalk.net wrote:

> Hi All
> Has anyone here had luck getting the USB-001 board to work with NCX under Mac OSX Snow Leopard? I've tried to no avail, although it works on the dual-boot WinXP partition without even needed a driver install (I think XP found what it needed in its auto-search once it detected the MP200 as a "unknown USB device".
> Knowledge Navigator kept telling me to install the KeySpan USA-28 driver for OSX but this is for the KeySpan serial to USB adapter unit, is already installed (as I use the Keyspan for my eMate), and reinstalling it has no effect.  I cannot see any reference to USB in the drop down connection menu in NCX's preferences (only Keyspan1, USA28Xfd14p1.1, USA28Xfd14P2.2 all of which have always been there). System Profiler detects a "FX232R USB UART" when the MP2000 is plugged in via USB though.  I'm at a loss!
> Nic

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