[NTLK] Delurking and intro

Warren Ockrassa wockrassa at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 22:21:57 EST 2011

On Nov 19, 2011, at 18:33, Joseph Reilly <reilly001os at aol.com> wrote:

> I was watching the
> hp store when the 15c reissues popped up but they never
> seemed to actually go on sale??? They went from "coming
> soon" to "out of stock", disappointed I am.

You basically have to check daily. I was able to get one in the tiny window between out of stock notices. 

The 15c special edition has buttons a lot like the 35s, which is to say nothing like the original 15c. Not awful, to be sure, but not classic either. 

The 35s is impressively flexible, particularly given the price. 

Also amid my HP stack is a 35, a couple of 41's (cv and cx), a 32s II, and a 45gx. And a TI-30, just for giggles. 

Apparently there's a commonality to be found among aficionados of this sort of tech. I wonder how great the overlap actually is for Newton and oldskool HP calc fans. 

• Warren • off console • w azkrmc.com • h nightwares.com •

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