[NTLK] SUBMISSIONS! Halloween Challenge -- The Horror, oh, the Horror!

From: DJ Vollkasko (DJ_Vollkasko_at_gmx.net)
Date: Wed Oct 26 2005 - 13:54:37 PDT

Subject: [NTLK] SUBMISSIONS! Halloween Challenge -- The Horror, oh,
the Horror!
From: DJ Vollkasko <DJ_Vollkasko () gmx ! net>
Date: 2005-10-25 20:45:41

>Subject: [NTLK] Halloween Challenge -- The Horror, oh, the Horror!
>From: mkow1234 () aol ! com
>Date: 2005-10-25 15:57:29
> >Hello Newt Goulies,
> >
> >I created a few Halloween-themed .mp3 files and converted them to the
> >format. I tested them, and they seem to work fine with the MadMax
>Allow me to say I'm awfully shocked! ;=}

Also allow me to retaliate: Lovecraft - The Dream Quest of Unknown
Kadath (1926-1927)

One of Lovecraft's beautiful fantastic-grotesque tales that draws
inspiration from Dunsany. This features Randolph Carter, who also
appears in these tales: The Statement of Randolph Carter, The Case of
Charles Dexter Ward, Through the Gates of the Silver Key, The Silver
Key, The Unnamable (probably).

Now at
_Horror/Halloween%202005 .

There's more Lovecraft in the directory above that one... And plenty
more stuff all over that file system!


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