[NTLK] [ANN] Arkham Dossier 1923-1935

From: DJ Vollkasko (DJ_Vollkasko_at_gmx.net)
Date: Tue Nov 29 2005 - 10:35:10 PST

Subject: [NTLK] [ANN] Arkham Dossier 1923-1935
From: DJ Vollkasko <DJ_Vollkasko () gmx ! net>
Date: 2005-11-26 11:50:39

> Avalable from
> http://www.stillnewt.org/library/_Fiction/_Fantastic%20Literature/
> _Horror/Lovecraft,%20Howard%20Phillips%20(1889-1937)/ , massive
> dossier of reports by famous anthroplologist H. Philips Lovecraft on
> the mysterious events that took place in the first quarter of
> the 20th century around the town of Arkham, Mass., and its
> well-renowned Miskatonic University.

Huh, some of the stuff reads pretty far-out (as I'm expecting from
Lovecraft), but if you read his "Colour out of Space" paralled to
Fort's books (where he compiles all sorts of strange phenomena and
sightings from scientific publications)--which Lovecraft explicitly
references to--the whole thing becomes infinitely more skeeery, as
reality amplifies fictive plots and the edge between one and the other
starts to blur... Reality accused of being purely fictious, fiction
claiming to be real... Unnamable abominations... Things falling from
the skies... Creeping decay and insanity... Aaaaaaaah...!

And the greatest horror: So many books, so little time. Aaaaaaaarrrrrgh!

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