Re: [NTLK] [NLTK] WTB: 4mb flash memory card

From: Thomas Sluyter (
Date: Fri Mar 25 2005 - 08:23:17 PST

> From: "Goodwin, Greg P." <>
> The 4 mb flash works?
> Genenerally what you need is a certain voltage. Here's a hint,
> most newer cards are not the power hogs that the older cards were. My
> 32 mb card works fine. All ATA flash cards (once I installed the
> driver) worked fine too. So the newer stuff should be alright.

Well... there _is_ the unfortunate problem with the power management
bug in the ATA driver that comes up when using the eMate. I've a CF
card which I use with my eMate and most of the times the system needs a
soft reset after I remove the card... It's not a very big deal, but it
can become quite unhandy...

The official 4MB card does work perfectly though. I'm very happy i
bought it off Frank :)

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