[NTLK] News about Einstein

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot_at_kallisys.net)
Date: Wed Apr 20 2005 - 21:47:42 PDT

Hi all,

Here are a couple of news regarding the Einstein Project.

I happen to be quite busy at the moment, I cannot foretell when I
will release a new version of the emulator for MacOS X. It might be
next week, it might be the week after.

I wonder if I broke something with the X11 display code or if 10.3.9
prevents it from working. I will do some test on a 10.3.8 machine.
There has been some new code in since UP1, I will try to make it
stable and call it a release (UP2).

I had some information about compatiblity with Tiger from inner
sources at Apple Computer, but I'm not sure they were running the
store version of Tiger. As far as I'm concerned, I think I'm going to
wait to upgrade to Tiger until my team gets copies, probably in July.
I apologize in advance if there are incompatibilities with Tiger to
any Tiger-user.

Concerning a PDA port, as I mentioned it before, Ferdi kindly donated
a PocketPC 3670 for the project. I was able to install Linux on it
and to run programs compiled on my mac with Zaurus-X-gcc package. So
I think that programs are binary compatible with the Zaurus (i.e.,
they might need to be compiled with the old 2.9x gcc version for
arm-linux). The PocketPC doesn't have X11 and only has 64 MB of RAM
anyway, so it could not run Einstein emulator in its current state.
Consequently, I will work on replacing the generic emulator with a
userland ARM recompiler. I might also work on a framebuffer
implementation to make Einstein easier to install on arm-linux.

I'll let you know of any progress.



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