Re: [NTLK] Upgraded 2000 boot problems....

From: Frank Gruendel (
Date: Mon May 10 2004 - 16:24:39 PDT

> MP2000 #1:
> Tries to boot, but is locked into a "boot loop". The screen comes up,
> (in landscape, which is odd...) the MP chimes and immediately shuts
> down. WTF!? The MP continues to partially boot and shut down until
> the power is removed.

This is a standard hardware problem whose reason I have as yet been
unable to locate. You can save time by just giving up on this one.
I do have the impression that this is due to a missing voltage. On
the boards I have the voltage across the supercap (the fellow that
helps remembering the Netwon's data after the batteries are changed)
is missing. But I haven't been able to trace back where it comes from

> I have tried everything in the FAQ and on to no avail.
> I would love to get these puppies working, if for no other reason than
> to have backups for my 2100.

If you have REALLY done everything I describe here

and if you have REALLY done it EXACTLY as described, your other Newton
must have a hardware defect, too. If you want, you can send it my
way (Germany) and I can see what I can do. Looking is free for
NewtonTalk list members.

Good luck


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