Re: [NTLK] Brainwipes (Was: Re: Button Bar Question)

From: Matthew Reidsrow (
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 12:40:31 PDT

On May 4, 2004, at 2:12 PM, Zachery Bir wrote:
> And the code I had entered was in lowercase rather than upper, and
> without dashes rather than with...

I had the same problem with ATA Support after my recent brainwipe. But
I checked and rechecked the serial numbers. In fact, the registration
seemed to work fine, until every time I would try to open a package on
the ATA store, I would get a little message saying "Stop trying to hack
this software. REgister it." (I did ! I swear!)

I have already paid for ATA support, but since my CF card is only 4Mb,
I just installed the demo and forgot about it. I never bothered to see
what the Newton ID differences were though.

Matthew Reidsma
Boston, Mass, U.S.A. : One stop shopping for the Green connected mind.

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