Re: [NTLK] Build Your Own Newton

From: Norman Palardy (
Date: Tue Feb 24 2004 - 13:28:41 PST

On Feb 24, 2004, at 2:02 PM, Jared Bland wrote:
> The only problem is, Woz was/is about "using the least amount of chips
> while having the most features" (not verbatim). That's hardly what
> Steve Jobs is about. I'd keep Stevie J. any day of the week. Sculley
> is the only person who kept Apple pure at its core while pumping up the
> Macintosh's marketshare through ADVERTISING. We need Sculley back.
> Once that happens, there will be an influx of products, ads and cheese
> - because no coming-back party is complete without the power of cheese.

Sculley was the first in a long list of Bad CEO's, but by no means the
He though he knew technology.
He touted the Knowledge Navigator for years while continuing to ignore
the Macintosh which was largely Apple's lifeblood.
What we got was the Newton. Certainly not the Knowledge Navigator he
had been touting for years.

The only Scully I want back is Dana

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