Re: [NTLK] Multi-format book packages (was Reformating Newton

From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Sat Feb 21 2004 - 09:03:54 PST

>Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 09:10:04 +0100
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Multi-format book packages (was Reformating Newton
>From: Jon Glass <>
>on 2/20/04 4:43 PM, DJ Vollkasko at wrote:
> > Compact multi-platform Newton eBooks. Wow, that'd be really hot in my book.
> > ;=}
>Aren't those mutually exclusive terms, however? I mean, to be multiplatform,
>you would have to have the text in all those formats (ok, so two sizes would
>probably suffice, right?)

What if it sufficed to have one set of the text and several layout
"filters" all in one container? Steve Weyer was hinting at something like
this as maybepossiblyperhaps doable if somebody got him a multi-platform
book to reengineer. And somebody even came up and said s/he had one such
title somewhere...! Is there anything happening yet?

So there, if it's possible and Steve can figure it out, making books would
never be the same again. ;=} One book for all, period.

> I remember when I used to make books, I had to set
>the margins for the 120 screen size, or for the 2K screen size in my WP.

That would be state-of-the-art in Newton Press, which is why I deliver zip
files with all 8 (!) formats contained plus the original text source. Wanna
see a sample, drop me line.

>Would you need both copies? Or am I forgetting something here???

I need Classic only. But I don't want to be a NOS 2.0-only fascist about
it, so I think it's good policy (and not much work, either) to output all
formats to a folder and zip that up. Makes everybody happy to have their
favorite format, no?

But this clutters up UNNA (check Lovecraft, Howard and Doyle-folders) and
makes for huge zip files. So that's where I'm coming from.

Newton eBooks are *the* main killer app for the Newton. All dedicated,
propietary ebook readers are dead, gone and not supported by anybody
anymore, where as Newtons are dead, gone, and better supported than ever
before (kinda), the bookmaking tools are all available for free, the screen
real estate is vast, the prices for MP 120s or 130s very attractive, and
any Newton PDA will offer a huge payload of additional free goodies either
preinstalled or freely available to the readership. And anything that will
further improve the reader's experience and happiness will add much to
this. So - united we read, divided we fall. ;=}



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