Re: [NTLK] A better Dates package? Issue #2

From: Paul Miller (
Date: Sat Sep 06 2003 - 23:06:32 PDT

Hi All,

Okay, now that the class schedule issue is solved
(nice, by the way...I had a similar schedule and never
figured that one out...I guess I should have read the
manual) I have another challenge but I don't think
that there is a built-in solution.
So what about those of us that have a "graveyard"
schdule and don't want to enter two meetings
(consecutive days) to cover the midnight-cross-over
ie: Say I work 15:00 monday to 07:30 tuesday. Right
now it's "meeting" Monday 3pm-12am and then "meeting"
12:01am to 07:30am Tuesday in order to see the correct
shaded area in the month view.

I'd sure like to enter this type of schedule in one
step fashion.


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