[NTLK] Newton coverage (again) in PalmTopPro magazine...

From: iMacDV (TeddyTheBear_at_magnet.at)
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 04:51:37 PDT

The next issue of the German language print magazine PalmtopPro
<http://www.palmtop-pro.com> covers the Newton (again). The editorial
speaks about the sad truth, that since the demise of the Newton2100 by
Apple, there has been NO handheld or PDA of importance by ANY
manufacturer. Another article talks about new Newton software for
connecting the Newton to MacOSX.
PalmtopPro is available on newsstands in Austria.

Greetings. Hannes Wolf (CyBear).

Hannes Wolf (CyBear)
Macintosh, Newton & Wireless
Consultant, Evangelist & Writer
Ottakringerstrasse 64
A-1170 Wien Oesterreich
Vienna Austria Europe
Tel/SMS: +4369911911911

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