Re: [NTLK] ATA support on the eMate and Questions about eBooks

From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 01:42:04 PDT

> Why is a Newton press book almost twice the size of
> the original text file?

The Newton OS uses Unicode instead of ASCII, which results in text
items like books being approxmiately (exactly?) double the size of
their ASCII counterparts.

> Is there another (free) way of viewing eBooks
> on the Newton?

Paperback is a great, free method of creating and viewing eBooks. Check
it out on UNNA.

Advantage: books are somewhat smaller, you can change fonts and sizes
on the fly. Disadvantage: no rich formatting, annotations, etc.
Jeremy Bond SHEPHERD -
San Francisco, CA - AIM: jeremybondsf

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