[NTLK] You almost lost me there, but I'm still here

From: bob barkany (bob_at_barkany.com)
Date: Fri Mar 21 2003 - 08:59:00 PST

Messing around with Newtourage and my old newton, I first lost my names soup
index error 48013, then I thought Išll do a total reset and reorder all my
contacts in entourage and try again. Somehow I lost all the contacts from
entourage that I had spent hours putting into categories and tidying up
phone codes etc.
I NEARLY went out and bought a palm but I didnšt.
I found by chance a good backup of my entourage contacts, went through it
all again like before and tried again and it worked. Išm still here
-- Bob Barkany, Photographer
   tel +44 (0) 7973 666 243

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