Re: [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V3 #119

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Sun Mar 02 2003 - 15:06:47 PST

on 02/03/03 17:20, Paul Guyot at wrote:

> Il me semble que le 2/3/03 =E0 13:48 -0500, Laurent Daudelin nous racontait=
>>> thats why i thought about adding say ethernet, wireless and irda=3D20
>>> drivers. isnt there still some room in the rom? i mean the few megs on=3D=
>> How about writing a system patch that would contain those extensions? Th=
>> whenever you do a hard reset, you wouldn't have to reload those extensio=
> Well.
> First, I never extended the size of the system patch. I killed two
> Newtons when I last tried it.
> Second, all these extensions are pretty big. I could reduce the
> TCP/IP dock extension's size, but you need NIE and Ethernet card
> drivers. In fact, the smallest subset would be Lantern (Newton
> Devices) and the card drivers.
> NewtonDevices itself is 84 KB. So it means at least 84 KB less of
> RAM. Not sure everyone will want this.

OK, never mind, then!

Laurent Daudelin AIM/iChat: LaurentDaudelin <
Logiciels Nemesys Software

elder days n.: The heroic age of hackerdom (roughly, pre-1980); the era of
the PDP-10, TECO, ITS, and the ARPANET. This term has been rather
consciously adopted from J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy epic "The Lord of the
Rings". Compare Iron Age; see also elvish and Great Worm.=20

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