Re: [NTLK] Old 2100 user !

From: Daniel Vokes (
Date: Wed Jan 29 2003 - 12:46:39 PST

m505 eh? My Dad owns one of these puny things. The object is smaller
than the screen of every single Newton, he never uses it and has no
applications for it. My first Newton on the other hand (MP110 then 120
and now 2000), was packed to it's limit with gaming classics such a
snake and battle ships as well as Pocket Money. I wonder who has had
more use out of their palm top? Also who has managed to connect it to a
computer and printer?

In case you didn't guess it was me!


On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 02:51 am, Scott Strungis wrote:

> Yep, I came back too...
> From a MP 130 to a Handspring Visor to a Palm m505 and now, back to the
> Newton Platform with a used 2100. I still have my m505 but I have not
> used it in three months.
> My students think that the Newton is cool as heck.
> Te other adults that I work with and hang out with crack jokes ("Is
> that a flatbed scanner?")
> I love my Newt to pieces!

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