[NTLK] [ANN] New Article Posted to the Newted Soupbox

From: Grant Hutchinson (grant_at_splorp.com)
Date: Fri Dec 05 2003 - 22:12:45 PST

The intriguingly titled 'Confessions of a Newton Junkie' documents one
man's recollections of why the Newton is a very personal and unique
device. Rick Ludwig tells all in this brand new article for the Newted
Community Soupbox.


Have you got something to say? Think folks want to hear about it? The
Newted Community is always welcoming Newton-related stories, reviews, and
opinions from individuals like you. If you are interested in writing a
article or review, please let me know.



Grant Hutchinson } Interface Considerations & Toys

Weblog } www.splorp.com
Newton } www.newted.org
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