Re: [NTLK] Shell Access + = Surfing the web on your Ne

From: RAParker (RAParker_at_Quadzilla.NET)
Date: Thu Dec 04 2003 - 12:16:00 PST

A short time ago, Steve wrote:
>fyi. before the days of proxy...was (only?) to browse...
>(and still supported in Newts Cape)

I've heard of you ;-)

hmmm...what's an email proxy?

How does Newts Cape handle files/documents? Could it read HTML or MIME
from a GoFetch Email? Could it read an attached GIF? Better yet, could it
send a screen shot as a GIF attachment? Now that would be cool!

I find the notepad sort of limited in its ability to import only a page of
text at a time before splitting the Note and having heap problems when
selecting/moving. GoFetch seems to do really well reading files (inbox
Soup) even with messages > 80K.

>as I recall, Pierre Omidyar(sp?) better known later as founder of eBay,
>started with a shareware service that served web pages via email.

I did find references to to be interesting, but I wonder
if it still exists? appears to have a mission that will make it stick around for
at least as long as email will be in use (forever?). With shell access to
email servers, and www4mail, my Newton will always have a full inbox...very

Could Newts Cape and/or Sloup make my Newton even more useful? I would
eventually like to backup or sync data over a dial up connection using
shell scripts...future goals.

Thanks for your suggestions.


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