Re: [NTLK] Happy B'day TechEd!

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Sat Sep 21 2002 - 21:01:06 PDT

Thanks for the sentiment people...I spent my birthday
celebrating the beginning of October fest (this year
Clydes in Reston started the October Fest celebrations
on the 20th...even though it's officially supposed to
start on Saturday)
I spent the evening listening to Oompah bands,
watching the Washingtonia Schulplatler dance...oh and
most important...Clydes OctoberFest beer!
Heck, they even sang happy birthday (it came out
sounding like "happy beard day"...too many pitchers of
beer I guess) and everybody seems to have had a
wonderful time! I know I went home smiling!
Ed (Happy Octoberfest!)
web/gadget guru
come and see my Newt on the web (well, mostly) at:

--- Anthony Velasco <> wrote:
> A little reminder popped up on my calendar today!
> Wondering what new
> technical marvel you will be unwrapping today...
> And here's to the Newton that keeps us feeling
> young, no matter how OLD we
> get, right Ed?! <jk> ;-)
> Cheers!
> --
> Anthony Velasco, USFWS-Ecologist/ecotoxicologist
> This Newt's trekking through cactusland and lov'n
> it!
> Managing Sales and Licensing for Newton Software at:
> - Tactile Systems, Inc.
> Contact me via the above E-mail for more information
> --
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