Re: [NTLK] Version 0.1h posted

From: John Anderson (
Date: Fri Oct 25 2002 - 12:53:49 EDT

I am planning on adding iCal syncing. It will happen via AppleEvents,
though, since there's no public framework available for editing iCal's
files (except for this really old vcal reading code, which is GPL).
Shouldn't make too much difference though... on today's Macs the time
required to send AppleEvents to a copy of iCal shouldn't slow it down
too much.

As for QTSS... I've got some cool stuff planned for that product.
(Although, of course, I can't talk about it.)

John Anderson

On Friday, October 25, 2002, at 09:03 AM, Scott Rogers wrote:

> By the way, I can't remember if you've addressed this somewhere or
> not.... Are you planning to add in iCal syncing?
> Thanks again for all your hard work on this. Maybe you could tell
> those guys at Apple that you won't do any more work on QTSS unless they
> open up those iSync APIs!

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