Re: [NTLK] Ebay referrals

From: Robin Kidd (
Date: Thu Oct 17 2002 - 15:31:44 EDT

I think that this group does NOT need to be associated with eBay. If we
were mentioned in an eBay auction then we become just another selling
vehicle. I for one do not want that. Just my 2 cents worth...


At 03:06 PM 10/17/2002, you wrote:

>[support mode on]
>Would any listmembers get bent out of shape if it was suggested to Gary
>Meyer of GEM Enterprises and some of the other ebay auctioners that it would
>be acceptable to mention the newtontalk newsgroup in their ebay auctions? (I
>don't it OK?) :-|
>There's a lot of good that would come out of it--it's difficult to forsee
>anything bad about the suggestion. Ebay sellers might get more sales by
>providing a value-added support resource link to the buyer. Although that
>doesn't help my bottom line, it could result in a bigger Newt family.
>If they subscribe to the list, then it's a done deal.
>[support mode off]
>Orlando FL
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