[NTLK] Back in NTLK-Land

From: Eckhart Koeppen (eck1000_at_gmx.net)
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 13:34:07 EDT

Hello all,

after having moved ten timezones east and minus thirty degrees
celsius north (I don't think there are too many Newton users in the
world north from here), I'm back on NTLK... and I'm glad that it's
still quite fun! In addition to that, the Newton has again proven
to be very useful: Thanks to LookOut I can at least pretend to be
organized at work. The purchase of a Nokia CardPhone might however
be a somehow unavoidable next step. Unless someone implements a
Bluetooth PCMCIA card driver...

I definitely plan to pick up work on my Newton software in the near
future as well, the winter is long and cold here!


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