[NTLK] Re - battery reconditioning

From: Frank Gruendel (Frank_Gruendel_at_t-online.de)
Date: Tue May 07 2002 - 18:15:21 EDT

> Open the pack carefully, and determine what the polarity of each cell
> should be.

You can't open a MP2k pack in a way that will provide access to
all cell's terminals. At least not in a way that'd allow you to use it

<snip (generously)>

Actually, I doubt that that what you describe is worth it. There is too
much chance of failure, even if you succeed you are from then on
working with a pack that is old and has been unusable once.
I'd do it that way with a pack that has cells that can't readily be bought
and that can't be replaced at a reasonable price, but the Newton's packs
don't fit in this category.
You'd need about 1/5 of the
time and no additional accessories if you just refurbished the pack with
new cells. And very little money. And the result these days would be
about 40% better than Apple's original.

Frank (that charming guy who has even occasionally done this at a
reasonable price for others who don't own a soldering iron...)

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