Re: [NTLK] Screen Misalignment and request for fixes

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 09:26:55 EST

> This is how I have fixed 2 2k's and 3 2k1's. It was posted to the
> NTLK list three (?) or so years ago. Since it involves MAJOR disassembly
> the newton I have never recommended it on-list (for the technically adept,
> or at least the very brave, only !!)
> Marco, was it you whose post I read so long ago ?? Frank G. Maybe ??
Yes, this could be. I repeated several times the same because of my
Alzheimer disease ;-) If you can't remember the latest news you start
repeating the old crap over and over... like a preacher.

Beside that I would really like to have someone with persistant jaggies to
try only cleaning of the contacts and nothing else. Since someone mentioned
also that cleaning of the white ribbon cable helped a clarification would be
really worth to have. I don't believe that cleaning of the white ribbon did
it, if the jaggies disappeared then only because the opening of the
connector caused some deformation to the flexible PCB close to the power

> By the way - while you have it apart - clean all the scuzz accumulated
> around the chassis opening for the screen (both on the case & on the
> digitizer). This is absolutely a known cure for the dreaded 'jaggies'.
> Canned Air and a (de-ionized water) moistened lint-free wipe work very
Recently I got a NOKIA3330 for cheap which was fallen in water. It didn't
work at all. I disassembled all, removed all three RF shielding covers on
the PCB and washed it in alcohol in an ultrasonic bath at about 45deg C for
5min. It finally did not work during about 3 days. From the 4th day it
suddenly started working, probably because the last remaining amounts of
alcohol needed some time to completely dry.

Probably would be washing the Newton innards a nice thing, provided that one
dryes them long enough or uses some enforced drying procedure (light vacuum
or so with e.g. 300mBar to not explode the LCD, GoldCap and the other little

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