Re: [NTLK] [ANN] ATA Support 1.0b13

From: Woo Lee (
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 04:42:16 EDT

>I just don't think there's really that much of a need for 256M of storage =
in a Newton.

Thanks for telling us. What should those of us that do need such space =
You're talking about 'your' needs, don't speak for others.
>It just seems, well, not a very encouraging thing for the Newton =
community to be charging such a high price for something that could be =
very useful to more people if the price were lower, like Hiroshi's =
wireless driver.

Just be glad your Newt. isn't a paperweight. If the price is too high, =
don't buy it. The respectable thing to do is ask the manu./developer for =
a reduced price. The manu./developer didn't make it for 'you', in fact =
most software was for his own use, not public release. I'm very thankful =
that I get such great use from my Newt. due to all the software available.
>At $50, I think the ATA driver will see a lot of purchase from people
>that -need- 128M+ storage on a Newt, but not a heck of a lot from people
>that just think it'd be nice to have.

You're right, those that need it will pay for it, those that don't =
>I suspect he'd sell a lot more if
>the price were down around $25 or so, compared to what he'll sell at $50.

Too bad Paul is selling it soo cheap...hey, Paul accepts donations. ;-)
>Hiroshi's wireless driver is cheap enough that as soon as I can afford
>the wireless card, I'll be able to spring for his driver without any =

Ahh, there's the reason --> 'cheap enough, [I]...', it's ok to be cheap, =
but then you lose sense of value. I value storage space more than =
wireless, but others value differently.
>But this ATA driver is in a price range where I'd seriously have to =

Don't worry, Paul will keep it available until you value it's price.
>Sushi's right, 128M really is a break point for price, but since the =
Newton isn't a particularly great multimedia device(no stereo sound, no =
headphone jack, modplayer crashes on me) there's no
>_need_ for huge storage.

=2E..and I guess you don't really use your Newt., ok, LFC's are your best =
choices, for now.
>At $25 or so, I'd be able to consider getting the driver when it's
>finished. At $50, I'll just hit eBay for linear flash when I need more
>space than I have.

Have fun on eBay(make sure you get 'new' cards).

!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!

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