Re: [NTLK] Cool Newton keyboard-dock thing???

From: Grant [Alphabetized] Hutchinson (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 21:52:05 EST

In a previous message, THX 1138 typed vigorously:

>My follow up question is: The keyboard appears to have eMate function
>keys, has anyone ever hooked an eMate keyboard up to a 2X00, and if
>so, did the function keys work?

Ben, I see where you're going with this...

Hmmm. Hey Stephanie, you've had one or two eMate's apart. Do you happen
to know how the keyboard is attached to the logic board? I wonder if it
is just an internal serial device? Come to think of it, has anyone
plugged a regular Newton keyboard into the serial port of the eMate and
have it work? I should go try that...



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