Re: [NTLK] NCU-like software native MacOS X: what prevents it

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 08:35:24 EST

Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 16:35:51 -0500
From: Steve Weyer <>

>by any chance, is the challenge similar to what VNC uses for initial login?
>(if so, there are NS, Java/Waba and C versions of encryption/decryption
>available that generate/handle 16-byte challenge)

I haven't seen the VNC challenge, but dock connection challenge is a
DES challenge with a weird implementation of DES (it looks like they
left two bugs, but I can't tell if it's voluntary or not). I doubt
that such an implementation exists anywhere but in NewtonOS and Apple
Newton connection libraries (DILs) & software (NCU, NBU, NCK).

Now, I was just saying this ironically for all the people here who
thinks that rewriting NCU for cocoa is a 10 minutes with AppleScript
Studio or Interface Builder thing. The DES prevented Philz to go any
further in this project than a package installer, and I spent a lot
of time reverse engineering the algorithm to find out what exactly it
was doing. I have solved this problem and I'll publish the source
code once the project will be publishable.


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